Comment history with karmakiller
Displaying 21 - 40 of 140 comments
Like I don't know what college to go to, my mind is set on criminal justice.
Do you know what you're doing next year? Or is that why it's stressful?
Sorry Dee! I'm online kinda, maybe, a little? Senior year has been quite stressful but I'm getting the hang out it. How have you been?
To tell you the truth, I've been living here all my life and still have trouble spelling it. So believe me, your not alone when I say that. I think I would have my brain working full gears if I had the luxury to seeing your beautiful self. I'm not too fond into remembering faces like that, I have to meet the person in order for my mind to process the face. I don't even know if that made sense
I don't know how to type out how I say it, lol. It's weird though.
You probably wouldn't be able to tell that it's me. I'd be like "Um, hi, I'm Dee." you'd be like "Dee? Dee who? ooooh yeah, Dee!"
I realize I just type dee dee dee *rollseyes*
That's if you consider a two hour drive close. I'm not to fond of people living around me, maybe because I haven't been here in so long! It doesn't really matter though as long as I get to see Dee! God that would be weird. I don't think you'll be able to tell who I am if we were in a lineup.
And how do you say Massachusetts?
Yes, 22498320957302958453 miles. I could use the exercise =P We should have an east coast CB meet up. There's abuncha people on CB from NY... and that's kinda close to you.
Here's a sad fact: I misspronounce Massachusetts everytime.
And how would one get to Boston?
Well, a cheap way to get there, lol. Plane, train, something else that rhymes with those things.
I've decide that you should come visit Boston. You know! A little graduation trip :]
Well you know you could always send me a e-mail if that helps. I'm always on AIM considering everything is forwarded to my phone when I'm not on the computer but you could still give it a go. It's That's gonna be my personal one because I've been getting too much spam in all the other one's so I had to make a new one for all my friends to contact me if they don't have a Myspace of Facebook. When you starting college sweetie? I start school soon, september to be exact.
Aw, you'd check CB just to see how I am? Awww
I think I have your AIM screenname... so I should probably get on there sometime. Then I can leave ya some randomness there =P
It's okay Dee! So what's new with you anyway? Seems like you always try to talk to me but I'm never online to actually talk to you, maybe because I work so damn much or because I'm never home to receive your cB comments, well whatever it is, I'll be sure to check this constantly and make sure I'm up to date with you! :]
Awwwww. Well you commented me back! I'm online too much nowadays. Which is odd, because I'm busier than I was before.
Lmao! Sorry love. I've been quite busy with work and all so I haven't had the luxury to post anything around here, I wish I could though. I miss talking to you Dee! :[
My CB experience is lacking. I think it's time for you to pop your head in again.
lol, everyone finds there way back here one way or another. And thanks, I hope I'll do okay :\